Model | HP | Rated HP | Fronts |
WR9870 | AGCO Power 6.6L | 225 | Disc or Draper |
WR9860 | AGCO Power 6.6L | 195 | Disc or Draper |
Key features
Windrower Functions
Disc or Draper Front

Razorbar Disc Front
With a single set of steel-on-steel conditioner rolls, the 9195 RazorBar header crimps stems every two to three inches. To speed drying time and further preserve leaf quality, our 9196 model features the new TwinMax Advanced Conditioning System, which “double crimps” the crop through a total of four conditioning rolls, resulting in a crimp approximately every inch. The herringbone pattern on each model helps feed the crop evenly on both sides. And conditioner roll pressure is maintained by a hydraulic roll tensioning system, allowing for consistent roll pressure, effective crimping and the best quality hay possible.

MF5300 DynaSwath
This new range of draper headers have been designed and engineered to tackle the toughest crops from canola to winter forage. The MF5300 DynaSwath features all new, single-piece heavy-duty reels, a double sickle hydraulic knife drive system, and a 78.5 in (2m) swath opening: all to increase overall machine capacity. Available working widths of 40’ (12.2m), 35′ (10.7m), 30′ (9.1m), 25′ (7.6m).

Our high-performance cooling fan, part of our new V-Cool System, goes far beyond ordinary rotary vacuum screen cleaners. Because it’s hydraulically driven, it can run at variable speeds, allowing it to match the cooling needs of the engine. Again, because it’s hydraulic, it can auto-reverse to clean out the radiators and fan screen. And that’s just what it does at 15-minute intervals. The fan reverses upon header shutdown. The reverse fan also senses the cooling performance and adjusts the fan speed or increases the reversing cycle.
- Fan speed is independent of engine speed
- Adjusts to conditions
- Saves fuel by operating at lower rpm when extra cooling isn’t needed
- Reduces risk of water pump failure due to less load on the pump bearings

By adjusting each lift arm independently, you can increase the lift pressure on one side only, making it easier to cut over uneven terrain as well as allowing for a closer cut without gouging into the ground. You can also balance the header from side to side without making mechanical adjustments. And a return-to-level cut feature allows you to go back to your previous settings. The header can rotate on an angle because of the modular design of the cutter bed.
- Eliminates the need for balance weights
- On-the-go adjustment
- Decreases overall machine weight
- Reduces ground compaction
- No need to raise the header to adjust flotation