It was a fateful day for Brendan Pengilly when Jeremy Whitty was called out to Eugowra to fix his Case header during the 2011 harvest.
It was the start of a service relationship which ultimately converted the Pengilly family’s mixed farming enterprise, Glenleigh Pastoral Co, to embrace JGW’s – AGCO line-up.
“We had a Case header breakdown right in the thick of harvest, and it was not a quick fix,” Brendan explained.
“The only header we could get our hands on at the time was a Massey. We ended up buying it and we have bought three since.
“We are now on our second Massey Ferguson windrower – a 9980 280hp with a 16ft 9296 razorbar, disc front to cut hay and a 35-foot windrower Draper front.
“We’re having a real good run with it. The last one had a four-cylinder motor and we went to a six for a bit more power. It’s doing a great job.
“I don’t care what machinery you buy – everything breaks down eventually. I believe it’s how they look after you with the after sales service that makes all the difference to what machinery you ultimately go with.
“JGW’s service has been excellent. The parts are prompt and if they don’t have them, they do their best to get you sorted and keep you going. Simon Whitty, the Service Manager, is very good at what he does.
“The product is also good and it’s improving all the time. They really seem to be listening to consumers. There has been a lot of changes to the windrowers since the last one we bought. They are much more comfortable and user friendly.”
The Fendt/Massey conversion at the previously Case dominate operation currently stands at four Fendt tractors including a 411, 211, and two 210’s. They also purchased a 7622 Massey tractor and the two current Massey headers – a 9560 and 9540.
“At one time we were running fourteen Case tractors and now there would only be three left on the place,” Brendan outlined.
“We initially went to the Fendt for the variated transmission for baling with a more consistent speed for the windrows and that’s also why we ended up going with the Masseys.
“We’ve definitely had a good run since making the change. We haven’t looked back since!”